Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 Blog/YouTube Goals

Happy New Year everyone! With the start of every new year, people always seem to make New Year's resolutions or goals they'd like to achieve. I don't like to create resolutions, as I don't think you need the start of a new year to motivate you do accomplish certain things. I do have some goals for this blog and my YouTube channel that I'd like to mention. This post is more so for my records and to hold myself accountable to achieve them.

The big thing I'd like to do this year on both here and on YouTube is to be more consistent. I always go weeks or months without posting something. I don't want to set a particular schedule for myself, but I think I'd like to get at least one blog post up on here a week. As far as videos go, I'd like to accomplish the same thing, yet it's not always easy for me to get videos filmed and uploaded. I prefer blogging honestly, so this is probably where I'll try my hand at getting consistent first. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to put out more videos if I can use my weekly blog posts as "scripts." I know I can easily get 52 blog posts up at a minimum in 2018. For some reason though, committing to 52 videos in 2018 seems hard to manage. I'll try my hardest on both ends though.

This next goal is one that I think I've had for myself ever since I started doing videos. I'd like to finish reviewing all the gear I own. I have such a backlog of stuff I've had for years and never got around to posting a video or writing a post. I'm not sure how much of my gear I haven't reviewed yet, so I'll have to get a list together soon. Doing all those reviews would definitely help me do one video and blog post a week.

Honestly, I don't think I'll be buying much new gear in 2018. This will help me focus on gear I own, plus I feel like I've tried more than enough gear at the moment. I have a lot of aspects of my EDC "perfected" for now, so I don't see the need to just buy gear for the heck of it.

I don't want to hit any specific numbers, whether that's subscribers or monthly view counts on here, but I do want to see some growth. I want to keep putting out better videos and blog posts. I appreciate all the support you all give my channel and the blog! Stay tuned for lots more from me this year! Thanks for looking!

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