Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Amazon Affiliate Links

Hey everybody! If you weren't aware, I recently started monetizing my YouTube videos. Honestly, I kinda hate Adsense and how it's integrated with YouTube. I've heard a lot about Amazon affiliate links, so I decided to do some more research on them. They allow me to earn a small commission when any of you all purchase things on Amazon that I link to. I will earn money on your entire order, even if you're only purchasing one thing I've linked to. You need to access these items through special links I have yet to get up. I've had people ask me to start inserting links to products I talk about, and I think this is a win-win situation to do that. I do actually buy a lot of my gear on Amazon. I'll probably end up linking everything to Amazon out of convenience, but I will definitely mention if there are cheaper prices on actual knife websites. For example, I think Spydercos can get a little more pricey on Amazon, plus there's always the risk of purchasing a knock-off from them.

Of course, any cent I make through these links will go right back to the channel. It's going to take me a little while to go back and put links up in all my blog posts and videos. Going forward, there should be links to products I mention. Do not by any means feel obligated to buy things because I say to. If you've been on the fence about purchasing something and seeing one of my videos pushes you to buy it, then I think we both are better off. I've always been hesitant about doing these affiliate links, as I see so many people literally link to everything and have a novel-sized description box of just links. I will not go overboard, and if I feel like I'm not benefiting, I will get rid of them. I'm giving Adsense a year, so I'll do the same with Amazon and reevaluate to see if it's worth my while. I do think it'll be better than Adsense, because I can have a lot more power and control with it. I can link whatever I want whenever I want. So yeah, if you've heard me rave about something that you're interested in trying, consider buying that once I get these links up. It'll be interesting to see how this works out. Thank you for all the support!

1 comment:

  1. Where is the store front and or product affiliated link(s)?
