Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2018 Reading Goals

I've had a lot of fun keeping track of what I read through 2017, so I figured I'd set some reading related goals now that it's the new year. I think I can easily accomplish these without feeling too much pressure or added stress. Sometimes creating goals takes the fun out of something, but I think these will motivate me to read a wider variety of books and make some headway on ones I'd like to read eventually. I feel like I read too much last year, so it'll be nice to take it a little bit easier in 2018.

1. Read 100 books
100 is such a nice number, so that's why I picked it. I think I can easily read 100 books without having to take time away from my other hobbies and obligations.

2. Read all the books I own that I haven't read yet
I've probably got at least 50 books that I own that I haven't read yet. I always feel pressured to read books I get from the library first, since those obviously have return dates I must abide me. This means I usually don't read as many of my own books as I should. I don't buy too many books anymore, so I should be able to finish reading all of them or at least get pretty close.

3. Complete the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge (link here)
I just found out about this challenge recently. There's 24 different challenges that you do throughout the year that ultimately motivate you to read books you might not normally read. I was looking through the challenges, and some of them fit books I already want to get to, while I can tell others will need me to do a bit more research than I typically do. I don't know how it will go, but I'd like to at least try to do all 24. Some of the challenges like "read a western" don't generally appeal to me, yet again, the point is to branch out your reading. It'll be cool to see what I can find for each category.

I think that's all the major reading goals I've got for 2018. It'll be interesting to see if I can accomplish them all. I've really enjoyed doing my reading wrap-up type posts that I do at the end of every month, so stay tuned for more of those this year. Thanks for looking!

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