Sunday, January 7, 2018

My College EDC Bag #2

My sophomore year of college has been pretty different from freshman year. I'm living off-campus now, so I need a lot more things in my bag to last me throughout the whole day. I've tried to trim down the unnecessary things, as it sucks to carry a ridiculously heavy bag all day. These are all the main things I've got with me day-to-day.

So starting out with the bag itself, this is the Osprey Nova. Here's a link to Amazon if you'd like to check it out. Honestly, I'm not that impressed with it and will most likely upgrade to something nicer when I graduate next year. It doesn't hold as much as I'd like, and it's also starting to fall apart in some places. 

Now jumping into the contents, I've organized everything into groups. This grouping would be my boring school stuff. I carry a 1 to 2 notebooks for writing down notes. I've got a folder for handouts, and extra loose leaf paper. I've started writing my notes on loose-leaf paper this past semester, and I really liked it. It's cheaper than buying individual notebooks, and I don't have to deal with the annoying wire rings anymore. Next up, I've got my laptop and charger. I type some notes on here, but mostly it's for assignments.

Food has been a big part of my carry this past semester. Now that I don't have a meal plan, I have to bring all my own food. I'm usually on campus all day, so I need some snacks throughout. I'll throw some snacks in loose, but others I'll keep in the plastic container. I got a thermos for Christmas, so I'll be trying that out in a week or so for better meals. I've always got a water bottle on me. I drink tons of water, so it's become a necessity. I normally rotate through 3 or 4, but at the moment it's a Klean Kanteen.

This is some of the other tech related stuff. I've got two pairs of headphones in my bag currently. The white pair are crappy Apple earbuds, which are actually kind of broken. They still work in my laptop, so that's the only reason I've kept them in here. The blue pair of earbuds is my go-to pair. They're wireless earbuds I got a little while ago. I've got a couple flashdrives and charger cords for the earbuds and my phone. The second to last item is my Anker portable charger. It's a lifesaver when I need to charge my stuff on campus. It's a little big for my tastes, but that means I can charge a bunch of stuff many times, so I guess it's worth it. The last thing is my calculator. I'm a Stats major, so this gets lots of use.

I guess I'd call this my health related stuff. Something you won't see here that I'd like to add is some basic first aid stuff. Anyways, I've always got hand sanitizer on me. I hate getting sick, and I've found that using this a ton helps out. I've got a nut allergy, so I always have an EpiPen and Benadryl allergy pills. There's some random napkins if I need to use them as tissues or to wipe something off. I've also got a random trashbag that I used to protect my laptop once in a huge rainstorm. It weighs almost nothing, so it's stayed in here just in case.

These are some random odds and ends. I've got a couple microfiber clothes to wipe my computer and phone. I've also got two Moleskine Volant extra small notebooks to write random things and assignments. I hate Moleskine's notebooks, but I need to fill these up before I can replace them. I've got a ton of writing stuff, like pens, mechanical pencils, a Sharpie, and an eraser. My keys to my apartment typically stay in the bag while I'm in class. Lastly, I've got a couple hair ties.

These last things are some of my typical EDC stuff. The knife I always keep in the bag is the Ontario Rat 2. I love this knife, and since I don't really like to carry a knife on my person, it rides in my bag at all times. I've also got a flashlight, the FourSevens Preon P2, for those times when I need a bit more light or something bigger than my typical EDC light. I did forget to include my EDC pouch in this post. That stays in the front pocket of the bag during the week. My wallet usually stays in the bag when I'm in class. The last item is some pepper spray. When I'm out at night, it'll go in my jacket pocket, but otherwise, it's always in the bag.

That's pretty much everything I've got in my bag for school at the moment. It seems like a lot, but surprisingly, it's not that heavy to carry around. There might be some smaller changes made in the spring semester. This is basically the core contents. I've already posted a video on this if you'd like to see where all this goes in the bag. Thanks for looking!

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