Wednesday, April 4, 2018

What I Watched: March 2018

I've watched a lot of really cool TV shows and movies throughout March. I had my spring break at the beginning of the month, so I was pretty much watching a movie or two a day for that week. I felt like I've watched a good variety of stuff. Let's get into it.

Movie wise, I watched a lot of comedies. The most surprising one and probably my favorite of the month was Snatched. Amy Schumer is one of the main actresses in it along with Goldie Hawn. It's based around this mother-daughter pair that goes on a vacation and gets kidnapped. It was hilarious. I hate Amy Schumer as an actress and don't find her all that funny, but this movie had me cracking up. I definitely recommend it. It was so much better than I thought it would be. I watched a couple of movies with Will Ferrell in them, like The House and Get Hard. The House also had Amy Poehler as the main actress, which was fantastic. She's one of my favorite actresses. Honestly, the plot wasn't what I expected. I didn't really like the relationship between Amy and Will's characters. It was okay overall, but not one that I'd recommend. Get Hard was just okay as well. I love Kevin Hart, so I enjoyed his character. I'm not the biggest fan of Will Ferrell, so maybe that's why neither of those clicked with me. I also saw another one of Kevin Hart's other movies, Central Intelligence. I never would have thought that him and Dwayne Johnson would be a good pair, but it was awesome. That one was really funny as well. I love a good, animated movie, so I decided to give The Emoji Movie a watch. It's not rated very well, but I really enjoyed it. I thought it was funny and cute. I don't know why it's rated so badly, but I personally would recommend it. Fun Mom Dinner and Happy Death Day are two others I'd recommend. I was very excited for Happy Death Day, yet the twist was predictable. It was still pretty good, but there are tons of better horror comedy films. The last one I want to talk about in some detail is Spider-man: Homecoming. Spider-man is probably my favorite superhero. I loved the original movies and The Amazing Spider-man series, so I thought this new reboot would be promising. Honestly, I thought it was insanely overhyped. Tom Holland was the most irritating and whiny superhero ever. I didn't like that there wasn't much backstory into his life or the gadgets he used as Spider-man. My favorite parts were when the friends were involved, since they were a lot more likable. Zendaya's character was my favorite in the whole movie. It was a huge letdown. I'm kinda bummed that Tom Holland will be the Spider-man in some of Marvel's upcoming movies. Actually let me mention one more, Table 19, is a rom-com that wasn't that great. I liked the cast of characters that it focused on, though the plot was dumb.

Now onto the TV shows. I finally finished Boy Meets World. I've been working on that for a few months now, so it's nice to have it done. It got worse as the seasons progressed as most shows typically do. I didn't like the ending and was left wanting more. There are a few side characters that were added in the last few seasons that I wasn't a fan of. It was an enjoyable show overall. I did like seeing how all the characters and the family dynamics changed over the years. I actually started the more recent Disney spin-off, Girl Meets World, where it focuses on Corey and Topanga's life and their children. There's been some appearances from the original cast so far, which has been really fun to see. You can tell it's a Disney show. It's not that great, but I like how weird all of the characters are. I'm one season into that show so far. I finished season 1 of Narcos as well. This show has kind of been a letdown. Some parts of it are enjoyable, but it doesn't feel as fast-paced as I'd like. They focus a lot on the relationships/sex of the smaller characters, which is not what I care about. I've still got two more seasons to work through, but I'm not in a rush. I'd rather watch some other shows that interest me more. I do think I'll continue with the series, though it's not as good as I expected. Netflix has had a really good month as far as new releases go. Jessica Jones season 2 dropped this month, as well as season 2 of A Series Of Unfortunate Events. I just started Jessica Jones season 2 today, and I'm interested to see where they take the story. Jessica Jones is one of my favorite Netflix original Marvel shows. I'm hoping to watch A Series of Unfortunate Events sometime after I get Jessica Jones finished. I think that's all of the major TV shows I've kept up with in March.

So yeah, I've been able to watch lots of cool and funny things in March. I've got quite a bit on my watchlist for April, so hopefully I'll be able to make some solid headway on that. I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for looking!

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