Wednesday, April 10, 2019

My Thoughts On Spyderco's Amsterdam Meet 2019

I've been constantly refreshing Spyderco Forums to see if there's any news on the Para3 LW. A thread about the Amsterdam Meet that happened last month caught my eye. SpyderCollector did an overview of about 10 new knives coming eventually which I figured I'd give my thoughts on. Here's some links to the Spyderco Forums thread, SpyderCollector's website, and YouTube channel for video overviews on these knives. SpyderCollector did a great job covering the event so big thank you to him for such great photos/overviews!

I'm more excited about the direction Spyderco's going than I have been in years past. A common theme seems to be turning their popular models into lightweight FRN varieties. I'm all about that since FRN knives are my absolute favorite for EDC. There's definitely a lot of exciting stuff coming if you're a Spyderco fan.

First off, the one I think is the most intriguing is the wharncliffe Dragonfy. I've had a couple Dragonflys over the years but always end up selling them. Wharncliffes are some of my favorite blade shapes, so this version looks awesome. Spyderco's done a few wharncliffe varieties of their popular knives (Delica/Endura), and I'm glad they've done the same for the Dragonfly. I may try to pick one up if they come in different colors.

I never have been impressed by the idea of the Efficient, but this small Efficient looks right up my alley. This version has a blade around 2.5" long with a wire clip. The blade-to-handle ratio looks slightly off, though I still think I'll try to pick one up whenever they come out.

I don't hear much about BaliYos anymore so I was kind of surprised to see Spyderco updated it. I've always wanted to try one out, maybe this version will be my motivation to pick one up.

The Dragonfly is getting an Emerson Opener variety too which I don't think is all that necessary. The wave looks a little ridiculous on such a small knife. I wonder how popular these will end up being.

If you like bigger knives, the next few ones will probably be much more interesting to you. 

The Police 4 is being added to the lightweight lineup. It's got a 4.37" blade and should be nice for those that are already big fans of the Police 4. It doesn't interest me, but again, I like seeing more and more FRN options.

Going off of the popularity of the mid-sized Native, there's a larger one coming too, the Native Chief. It's got a slimmer and longer blade than the regular Native that comes in around 4". It looks nice, but I never need a knife this big in my EDC.

Not only does Spyderco plan to make a smaller Efficient, they've also got a larger Efficient, called the Emphasis, in the works. The Emphasis looks way better proportionally with a 3.58" blade. Spyderco seems to be making the Efficient lineup similar to the Ambitious/Tenacious/Persistence lineup in terms of small, medium, and large sizes. That makes sense since it's their most recent value folder series.

For those that think the Delica is too small and the Endura is too big, here's the Endela. The 3.38" blade is a nice in-between size to the Delica and Endura. The handle looks a little fat to me compared to the width of the blade. This is one I'd never want to pick up either.

Last but not least, the Sage 5 LW. I've never tried any of the Sages and probably never will. It looks like it has a different FRN pattern, 3 inch blade, compression lock, and wire clip. Personally I think the handle looks way too long for only a 3" blade. I'm betting it will be quite popular though.

That's about it for this post! Are you excited for any of these? I'm really happy Spyderco is starting to do more FRN knives. These are all just variations of their already popular models, so I hope there's a lot more new designs in the works as well. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. Funny I'm in to smaller knives now, The only one in the bunch, I would be interested in is the "small efficient". Other than than that...... MEH!
