Saturday, April 27, 2019

What I Watched: April 2019

My semester is winding down, and I've been spending more time procrastinating studying for finals and finishing projects. For April, my big priority was watching things on Hulu over Netflix. I've already watched most of the movies that interest me on Netflix and wanted to see if Hulu offered anything different. They unfortunately didn't on the movie front. However, they had a ton of shows I didn't know about that I've since added to my watch list.

A few years ago, I finished Saved By The Bell and was always kind of disappointed how it ended. When shows follow the characters over their high school years, it's neat to see how things end up afterward in college and the real-world. That's where the various Saved By The Bell spinoffs come in, like Saved By The Bell: Hawaiian StyleSaved By The Bell: The College Years, and Saved By The Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas. I found all three of these on Hulu and spent one of my weekends this month finishing them. The College Years was my favorite but the others had the same charm/ridiculousness of the original show. Also on Hulu, I watched Napoleon Dynamite season 1. I loved the movie when I saw it years ago and never knew it was turned into an animated show. The movie is definitely superior. The only other show I finished is Luke Cage season 2. I just wanted to finish it for the sake of finishing it and didn't enjoy it all that much. I wasn't a huge fan of the first season because of the dull villains and side characters. As far as new shows I'm watching, I started The Umbrella Academy and am a few episodes in at this point. I'm not too compelled to binge it all, so I'll probably watch an episode here and there over the summer or something.

Like I mentioned at the beginning, Netflix doesn't have many movies that I'm interested in watching. This led to a somewhat lighter movie watching month for me which I'm okay with. This isn't a movie, but I did watch Kevin Hart Irresponsible, his most recent comedy special. It wasn't my favorite of his comedy specials yet it did have some funny parts. The two best movies I watched this month were Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero so I was really excited to see this animated movie about the Spider-Verse. It had a very different animation style that could be a little jarring at time. The plot was great though, and it was neat to see all of the different varietions of Spider-Man. After hearing about The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants for years, I finally got around to watching it along with the second one. The second one was terrible, but the first one was an entertaining teen drama. I was surprised to see actresses from some of my favorite shows in it, like Blake Lively from Gossip Girl and Alexis Bledel from Gilmore Girls. It's one of those movies that isn't the highest quality in the world but still manages to be enjoyable.

That's all I've got for this shorter April post. There's not much on my radar for May so who knows what next month's post will entail. Thanks for looking!

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