Saturday, May 18, 2019

Beginning of the Summer Update!

Hey everyone! I just finished my second to last semester of college and am headed off for a summer internship tomorrow. I wanted to do a bit of an update on what you all can expect over the course of the summer on here and on YouTube. Also, I'd appreciate any input on the direction of my YouTube channel in particular.

I'll be away for 12 weeks in a different city but hope to stick to the same frequency of posts. I normally try to post one video a week on Saturday or Sunday and then blog posts on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I've already scheduled the majority of my blog posts for the summer, like collection updates, my top 5 favorite EDC knives/flashlights, thoughts on specific pieces of gear, my usual reading/watching updates, etc.

I've got a lot of videos in my backlog, but it's mostly reviews on gear that I don't really care about anymore. Going forward, I'm considering only making individual gear review videos when it's something I absolutely love. I might start doing three-in-one review videos where I do mini reviews of three pieces of gear that aren't necessarily worthy of their own video. That way I can still share my thoughts on the gear but not have to go over every detail if I don't want to. A lot of the gear I try now doesn't stand up to the high standards of my perfect gear, so my review videos tend to be too "negative" for some. I'm picky these days since I've found my perfect knives, which leads me to have harsher criticisms overall. I do have a few EDC updates of my on-person EDC and college backpack coming. Other than that, I don't have too many exciting videos in the works. Honestly, I'm less interested in doing videos these days compared to blogging. It's much easier for me to blog than have the perfect conditions (good lighting, no background noise, saying the right things in one take) for videos.

On a side note, you all might start to see the channel transition into more outdoorsy/hiking videos with EDC stuff on the side. I'm not 100% percent sure if that's what'll end up happening, though it is a thought I've had recently. The majority of the videos I watch these days are prepping, survival, or backpacking videos. I feel like there's way more variety and entertainment in those types of videos than the same old cycle of EDC update, knife review, etc. I'm not necessarily bored of knives or EDC but there's only so much to say about them.

I'll probably have one last sale at the end of the summer to thin out my collection and make some money to buy the last few things on my wishlist. I'd also like to get back into posting more regularly on Instagram as well, so maybe that'll fill in some of the gaps if videos are lacking. 

As always, if there's any specific posts or video you'd like to see, let me know! They might not get filmed until I get back in mid-August but maybe I'll have some unexpected free time. I'm very much looking to change up what I'm doing on the video front and would appreciate any input! Thanks for looking! Stay tuned for lots of blog posts this summer and some videos too!

1 comment:

  1. Well it sounds like you got things figured out in relation to the changes from school life to real life..... makes sense to do more blogging. Either way I'll stick with you. Have fun in your internship, I too just made a major risk leap for my future, too, so I hope it pans out for me also.

    IMHO, put up the vids even if they are negative, your entitled to your opinion and you do make some interesting points on aspects I didn't consider.

    I thinned down my collection big time to try new items, and I put out to pasture a Spyderco Native 5 over, the Ontario Rat II. I bought the RAT II on your recommendation and I still think about what you said, every time I pick it up to carry for the day.

    So have fun in a new place for the month or two, and I'll keep a eye out for new postings.
