Saturday, October 22, 2016

Knife Company Talk: Boker

Boker is a company I buy from very infrequently. They do offer some cool knives that appeal to me. For some reason though, I never seem to pick any up. I've picked up two Bokers recently. I hope that these will help get me more interested in Boker.

These are the DW-1 and DW-2. They're newer offerings from Boker that caught my eye because of how small they are. You all know how much I love my small knives. When I see a company make a new small knife, chances are pretty high that I'll pick it up. I've been really impressed with these two knives. They're actually decent quality wise, which surprised me. Normally, Bokers are terrible quality wise for me. I had a Keycom a couple years ago that completely fell apart. After that, I never got anymore Bokers. Their Boker Plus line is the one I buy from most often because of the low prices. Those low prices usually come at a cost when it comes to quality though. The DWs have been perfectly fine, so maybe Boker is stepping it up. 

I've never really liked Bokers designs. For the most part, they all look the exact same to me. They don't seem to ever introduce new color options to their knives either. Prices can be pretty high for knives that aren't very special. I'll occasionally buy Bokers if they make something interesting, like these DWs. Honestly though, they're not a company I keep a close eye on. I probably buy from them the least of any production company out there. Spyderco, Kershaw, CRKT, and Cold Steel are all companies I'd rather buy from. Who knows though. Maybe you'll eventually see a lot more Bokers on this blog. Thanks for looking!


  1. I like smaller knives aswell. Did you ever consider getting a Sanrenmu knife? If not I can highly recommend those. They make very good quality for little money.
    A really small knife would be the Sanrenmu A80.
    I also like the Sanrenmu 6050 very much. Many of their knives come also in different colours so that might be a plus for you. :)

    1. nice! Smaller knives are the best for EDC. I've heard a lot about Sanrenmu over the years, but I've never picked any up for some reason. Maybe I'll have to try them out sometime. Definitely sound like something I might like
