Saturday, October 29, 2016


Hey everybody! I've kinda been slacking lately here on the blog. I've gotten 8 posts up this month so far, but I still feel like I could be doing a lot better. My main goal was to start posting a ton of reviews. Unfortunately, I have not been able to follow through with that yet. It takes a lot of time to do reviews. You have to test the product and then write the review/take photos of the product/make a video review. This is a lot to handle while I'm here at college. I really want to get a review up on the Olight S10R Baton II. That's been my goal ever since I got it. I don't like it at all and want to be done with it so I can sell it. I've got a ton of gear I want to sell, but can't do so until I get reviews and videos up. I just haven't gotten enough use out of the S10R to give it a fair review yet. For me personally, I like to test products for at least 2 weeks. During these 2 weeks, I need to be getting a decent amount of use out of the piece of gear. While I've been here at college, I really haven't had the opportunity to use my gear much either. I think I'm still afraid of my what fellow peers will think about my gear. It's totally normal to have a knife, multitool, or flashlight, so I don't know why I'm so afraid of what anyone thinks.

Something else you all might have noticed is that I deleted my Instagram. I've always been bored of Instagram as a social media platform, so I decided getting rid of it was best. I definitely miss seeing photos from certain people. Honestly though, all the photos are the same to me. I've deleted my account several times now, and I feel like that's the sign I don't need to make a new one anytime soon.

Going forward, you may or may not see less posts on here. I've run out of ideas at the moment/lack the motivation to put some cool posts together. I'd like to focus on school until I get to go home for Thanksgiving break. It's a lot easier to take photos/videos in the comfort of my room at home. I don't want to disappear completely, so maybe I'll try to find a way to make it work before then. I haven't posted any videos in forever either, which makes me kind of sad. I love making videos, and I feel like lately the ones I've made aren't the best. Hopefully that changes soon. Thank you all for continuing to check out this site! It means a lot to me! Sorry for always posting these update posts. I'll try to get some real posts up soon!

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to worry about posting all that stuff you're in college I'm surprised you can even find time to post as much as you do.
