Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Knife Company Talk: Kershaw

Kershaw isn't one of my favorite companies. All the knives I've tried from them are either hit or miss. The quality isn't the best, but I guess that's what you can expect for the price. I'm a fan of some of the stuff they do. As a brand though, they're not one I like to buy from that often.

These are the three Kershaws I have in my collection at the moment, the Cinder, Shuffle, and Half Ton. They're all pretty new, so I can't talk about how good or bad they are yet. The Cinder seems to be the real gem out of all these three though. I'll try to get reviews up sometime before the end of the year. The reason I bought these three knives was because of the cheap price and small size. Kershaw does cheap knives very well. They have tons of knives out there in all kinds of different designs. None of these knives look that similar to me. Unlike some companies, Kershaw doesn't just stick to making one type of knife. I think they have the best variety of any company in all the designs they offer. They do tons of cool collaborations with other companies and designers. The Kershaw-Emerson knives were awesome for people that wanted an Emerson experience without dropping a couple hundred dollars. I also love that Kershaw keeps putting out colorful knives. This purple Shuffle looks so cool!

One thing I don't like about Kershaw is the SpeedSafe knives. I won't purchase a lot of their knives, because they're spring assisted. The Leek has always been on my radar, but it's not a manual flipper. I will never again buy any SpeedSafe knives. I think it's obnoxious and is completely unnecessary for my lifestyle. The Groove was one of the best flippers I used. I don't get why Kershaw doesn't do more manual flippers. They obviously have the means to do them well.

I shouldn't write off Kershaw completely as a brand. They do make knives that appeal to me every so often. They're proven in the knife community. I'll try to keep trying some of their knives. I think they're great options for people that want affordable, quality knives. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. I kinda agree with you on kershaw most of thire Chinese knife can be hit or miss on quality however pretty much all of thire USA models are well made and reasonably priced. Thire speedsafe is a little overkill but I really don't mind it on most of thire models
