Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Updates

Hey everybody! I wanted to do this post to give you all some updates on what to expect on here over the course of the month. The blog is doing really well, and I'd like to continue getting out tons of posts. I appreciate everyone that checks out this site! Thank you so much for supporting it! My monthly views keep increasing, and that's just so awesome!

As far as what posts you can expect to see this month, I'd like to post at least two review posts and some other EDC related stuff. I yet again picked up a couple of new things, but I think I'll wait to post about those until I get around to the other new gear. Overall, I've been very disappointed with the amount of reviews I've posted this year. I'd like to pump out a ton of reviews before the end of the year. It's fun to document what I've tried and tell you all whether I believe a piece of gear is worth it. I've picked up lots of gear in the past month or so, just so I could have stuff to review. I don't normally like to do that, but I figured it'd be a good investment for the blog and YouTube. A lot of the things I picked up are actually surprising me so far. I've been really focused on budget gear lately, and it's always cool to find a gem for a great price. I'll have quite a few gems to show you all in the coming months. That also means I'll be having a pretty big sale/trade towards the end of the year. More info on that probably in November or December.

I'll be filming a couple videos this week, so stay tuned for those over the next few weeks. I've also been disappointed with the lack of videos I've been uploading. It's hard to find times where my room is quiet or when I have free time. I don't want to make excuses, so know that more videos are coming soon.

I guess the last thing I want to say is that I highly encourage any of you to start your own blog. I absolutely love doing this! I can talk about anything I want. It's really cool to look back at my old posts. If you have any questions about starting a blog, I can try to help you as best as I can. The blog I use is completely free, so you might as well try it. If any of you end up making one, please let me know so I can check it out. I'm in desperate need of some new EDC related sites to check out. That about wraps it up! Thanks again to everyone that keeps up with this site! It means a lot to me!

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