Saturday, December 24, 2016

Books I've Finished Lately #1

Now that I'm finally on break from college, I've had a lot more free time to do stuff I've been meaning to do, like read. I have a ton of books I haven't gotten around to reading yet, so hopefully I can catch up over this break. I finished two books lately that I'd like to talk a little more about. The first is Yes Please by Amy Poehler, and the other is I'm A Stranger Here Myself by Bill Bryson.

Yes Please was pretty good. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but it was still enjoyable and parts of it were funny. I absolutely love Amy Poehler in Parks and Recreation. That show is probably one of my ultimate favorite TV shows. This book talks a little about Parks and Recreation, but mostly it's about Poehler's life in improv, SNL, and Hollywood. She offers some solid advice in this book too. If you're an Amy Poehler fan or just like to read books about celebrities, this book is worth the read.

I'm A Stranger Here Myself is a collection of short articles from a guy that lived in America, moved to England, and then moved back to America years later. It's interesting to hear about the differences between America and England. The chapters are all around 3 pages, so you can read them pretty quickly. None of the chapters relate to each other, so you can kind of pick and choose which ones you read. I read them all, and there were definitely ones I didn't enjoy. For the most part though, they all were pretty interesting. He talks about different aspects of America, like the weather, our holidays, the people, etc. It was fun to read, so I'd say it's worth the read.

That's it for these books. I'll probably keep doing these sort of posts as I finish more books. It's nice to diversify the types of posts I do on here. Hopefully I'll be able to recommend you all some good books to read too. Thanks for looking!

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