Sunday, December 18, 2016

How College Changed my EDC

Over the summer, I wrote this post about how I thought my EDC would change while I was in college. I just finished up my first semester, so I thought it'd be fun to look back on those predictions and see what I was right and wrong about.

Prediction #1: My carry will revolve around small gear.
This prediction is right. My carry has been and will most likely always revolve around small gear. I own more small gear than any other sized gear. It's the easiest for me to carry and is non-threatening.

Prediction #2: My carry will be more focused on defense type options.
This prediction was pretty wrong. I do keep pepper spray in my backpack, but that's the extent of my self-defense options. I don't actively think about having the pepper spray, so it's almost like I don't carry it. Luckily, I haven't been in any situations where I've felt unsafe.

Prediction #3: All my gear will be carried in my backpack, not on my person.
This prediction is half right and half wrong. My EDC pouch is always in my backpack no matter what. However, during these cooler fall and winter months, I pretty much always have a jacket on. That means I have extra pocket space to carry a few extra things. The winter and fall months are pretty much the only times where I carry my EDC on my person.

Prediction #4: My EDC will be a little more extensive.
This prediction is mostly right. My EDC didn't become more extensive in the ways that I listed in the prediction post, but it is more extensive in other areas. I carry a lot of practical stuff in my bag that make my EDC more extensive, like a backup battery, stuff for my classes, etc. I didn't add a full-sized multitool or first aid kit to my bag like I predicted. I've also gotten more interested in expanding my EDC to other aspects of my life, like by building a car emergency bag and more in-depth EDC kit.

So there were all my predictions. I enjoy and appreciate my EDC a lot more in college. It was cool to see how right and wrong my predictions were. Thanks for looking!

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