Sunday, September 25, 2016

I'm No Flashlight Expert

This is going to be a preface for some posts I'll be doing in the future about flashlights. I don't have a lot of technical knowledge on flashlight. I mostly just care whether they light things up, are easy to use, hold up well over time, are a good size, etc. I don't care so much for the type of emitter, exact runtime numbers, and things of that nature. I've been trying to find some reviews of certain flashlights recently, and they're all very technical and filled with random jargon. I use my gear. I don't buy things solely because of their specifications. I'm not sure what type of audience reads my posts, but I'm guessing you all are just users too. As long as something works for what I need, I'm fine with it. That is sorta my philosophy for everything in life. I don't care for reviews that go on and on about what type of emitter and show graphs of what happens when a flashlight is running for 72 days. Yes that last part is an exaggeration. Still, I don't see the use in knowing those sorts of things. For example, all the reviews I've read on the Olight S10R Baton II fail to mention how stupid the UI is. I never knew Olight doesn't make some of their clicky lights very user friendly. Maybe it's just a few of their newer lights, but it was still something I was unaware of. Had I known this, I definitely would not have bought that light. I like to do lots of research on gear. It saves me a lot of money in the long run. When I get something that is disappointing/doesn't perform as well as it should, I get very angry. People are so wrapped up in specifications that they fail to talk about the real world use. Anything can look good on paper. Once you actually get in your hands though, it better be just as nice. I guess the point of this post is to let you all know that my flashlight reviews specifically will be talking about my real world experiences. It's not like you go out in public and think "oh dang, this XP-G2 emitter is really what makes this flashlight great." I don't even know the emitters on most of my flashlights anymore. It's just meaningless for the person that needs gear that simply works. Anyways, don't expect my reviews to be focused on meaningless things anymore. I think my actual experiences with gear is more important than certain specifications. I'm not afraid to bash gear if it sucks or is overhyped. I'm not a flashlight expert by any means. However, I do hope what I have to say about lights will give you all a better insight into whether you should get something or not. I shouldn't be the only person you listen too, but I do think I give an interesting and slightly valuable perspective on gear. Prepare for a lot more reviews soon! Thanks for looking!

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