Sunday, June 11, 2017

A Look At One Of My Bookshelves: TBR Shelf

Hey everyone! Since I read a lot, I have a couple bookshelves around my room. This past winter, I built a shelf since my current one had filled up. I always had this space under my desk that I couldn't do much with. It was the perfect size for a bookshelf, so I decided to build myself one. This is the first big thing I've ever really built before, and you can tell. It's not perfect by any means, but it turned out well enough. It's super study, and that's all I really care about. Here's a look at the shelf I use to hold most my books that I still need to read (to be read or TBR). It also holds a few other random things, like some TV shows, movies, and video games I still need to watch or play. Sorry if these photos aren't the best.

I'm not going to list every single thing on this shelf, because that seems kind of pointless. I'm hoping to read most of these this summer, so I should be able to mention them in the monthly wrap-up posts I do. I am super happy with how the shelf turned out. It looks pretty decent if I do say so myself plus it holds a lot more books than I expected. I might as well mention some highlights from the shelf. I'm trying to read a bunch of Stephen King books this summer, so I picked up Cell and 11/22/63 a while ago. Thrift stores are the best places to get cheap books, by the way. One book I'm really excited to start soon is Helter Skelter. It's a true crime novel all about Charles Manson. Also if you caught some of the DVDs on the right side of the top shelf, I'm a huge fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It's a hilarious show. Definitely worth a watch. I'm hoping to finish all the three seasons I've got this summer. I think I'll wrap it up here. Stay tuned for my reading posts if you want to hear about some of these books. Thanks for looking!

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