Monday, June 5, 2017

Apps/Websites I Use Daily

My phone is probably one of my closest true EDCs. Its with me the large majority of the time, and I rely on it to communicate with people and to entertain myself. I thought it'd be fun to talk about some of the various apps and websites I look at daily. No matter what, I pretty much have to check each of the things I mention at least once a day. I used to be really bad about mindlessly scrolling on my phones for hours. Luckily, I'm not as obsessed, but I probably still spend way too much of my time looking at stupid stuff. Without further ado, here's what my home screens look like.

Normally I've got a funny picture of my dog or something as my wallpaper, but I wanted to switch it for the sake of this post. So as you can tell, I don't really go overboard with apps. I used to have a ton, and then I ran out of space so they all had to go. I really like having a minimal amount of apps. It helps cut down on my procrastination slightly and looks a lot nicer than having tons and tons of apps. Now that I'm looking at it, I could probably condense the second page of apps onto the first. I feel like that'd make the main page way too crowded though. Anyways, on the main page, I have all my most used apps for the most part. I check my email constantly, so I'd say that's probably my most opened app. I'll talk about some of the more interesting ones. 

I love Google Calendar when I'm in school. It helps me get acclimated to my schedule at the beginning of a semester. About halfway through the semester I stop using it though. I only will put important events/meetings and my classes on it, so it doesn't get too crazy.

I love YouTube, Twitter, and Netflix to help me procrastinate doing all my work. I honestly hate the current YouTube app. It crashes for me constantly, doesn't have ad block, and has a lot of unnecessary features. This makes me use my computer for YouTube more. If I want to watch a quick or popular video, I'll just quickly play it on my phone since it's easier. Oh and if you wanted to know, my phone is an iPhone 5S. I probably should've mentioned that at the beginning, but I'm too lazy to cut and paste it up there now. Side note, I hate Apple now, and as soon as this phone dies, I'm switching to Android. I use Twitter to follow famous people mostly, like my favorite YouTubers, musicians, and actors. I'm not a huge fan of social media, so that's why there are a lack of apps like Facebook, Snapchat, etc. They're just a huge waste of time in my opinion. I've found I don't give a crap about what anyone else my age is doing with their life. Netflix is an obvious choice. I haven't been using it now that I'm home during the summer, but it gets tons of use when I'm at school. I did somewhat recently start The Cleveland Show and season 3 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Both are hilarious shows. I have a ton of shows on my to-watch list, so I really need to get onto watching them. 

My music app of choice would have to be Spotify. I didn't believe in streaming services for music, but then I got a cheap trial of Spotify, and I love it! I pay $4.99 a month with their college discount, and I definitely think it's worth that. I get access to pretty much every song I could ever imagine.

On the second page, I've got apps that I don't use that often but still need. I got back on Instagram, so that's there. I haven't been posting lately and honestly I find it kind of boring. It's just the same knife photos over and over again. I've also got an app I need to do two-factor authentication for my school, my bank's app, and Freeform and CW for some of the TV shows I watch.

Moving onto some of my favorite websites, I used to have a ton of sites I'd look at, but I've mostly narrowed it down to one now. Reddit is by far my favorite site on the internet. It covers all the topics I love and so many more. I can get an overview of news/what's popular and then dive into some of my favorite sub-Reddits for EDC/book/video game stuff. I don't have too many EDC related sites I look at anymore. The only dedicated one is More Than Just Surviving. I'm too lazy to link any of this stuff, so just Google it if you're interested. That site is cool, because they don't just focus on knife stuff. They talk about survival, prepping, and do some reviews. I think it deserves a look. I will say I do look at Blade HQ pretty much daily to see if they have any good deals or if any new knives come out. 

That about wraps it up for my daily apps/websites. I hope I got to everything I wanted to say. It's not the most entertaining stuff, but it works out well for me. Thanks for looking!


  1. Heres a tip for you.. drop Spotify and get Google Play Premium.. 9.99 a month .. with that you will get YouTube Red (which is the premium version - NO ADS) at no extra cost.

    Google Play Premium is fantastic and their music plays at a very high bit rate when you use the high quality setting.

    1. Eh I'm paying half that for Spotify. I don't have the need for YouTube red or high bit rates, so Spotify works for me. I'll keep it in mind if I ever decide to move on from Spotify. Thanks for comment!
