Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Incorporating A Headlamp Into My EDC

I picked up this headlamp around the time I started college with the intent of using it for hiking and camping. It didn't get much use, so it sat around collecting dust for a while. Once I got back from college, I started getting a surprising amount of usage out of it for some random tasks around my house. I do have to say, it's been quite a handy thing to have nearby. I'm probably going to throw it in my EDC bag for those odd times I might need it. For most of my EDC tasks, a flashlight will suffice just fine. However, it's nice to have hands-free lighting if I want to read late at night or something like that. It's also nice to have this be one of my backup lights in case my main flashlight dies on me.

Most of the usage I get out of this thing is as a reading light. This specific headlamp has a red mood, which I've found is super cool to read under. It doesn't hurt my eyes when I'm in a dark room, and I can still see exactly what I'm reading. I don't have any sort of light directly next to my bed, so if I wanted to read before I go to sleep, I'd have to use the main light in my room. Then when I'm done, I'd have to get out of my comfortable position in bed to turn off the light. With this headlamp, I don't have to worry about that anymore. I suppose I could have used a flashlight before too, but then one of my hands would have to be holding the light the entire time. The headlamp is super convenient and not even uncomfortable to wear.

I'd never thought the day would come where I want to add a headlamp into my EDC, but here I am. Honestly, that's what I love about this hobby. There's always some piece of gear out there that you never would have expected to make your life a whole lot easier. If you don't own a headlamp or a flashlight that can sort of function as a headlamp, I definitely recommend you pick one up. Mine's just a cheap one I got on Amazon, but it's been serving me perfectly well. Thanks for looking!

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