Monday, September 5, 2016

My College EDC: Backpack Dump

Here's the whole overview of what I've got in my backpack for college at the moment. I don't think the contents will change too much. I think I've done a pretty good job of not carrying around a lot of unnecessary things. 

So for the purpose of this post, I'm only going to show more in-depth photos of the items that are interesting. As far as school items go, I've got my computer, planner, notebooks, folder, etc. That's very basic stuff and not too interesting, so I'll only talk about the cooler items. I also always have a water bottle with me.

Here's a closer look at some of the more interesting things in the bag. On the left side of the photo, I've got my calculator, iClicker, and an Anker portable battery. I've got a variety of cheap pens, mechanical pencils, and a Sharpie. I don't bring any of my nice pens with me to class, because I don't want them to get stolen or lost. I've also got an EpiPen for my nut allergy and pepper spray for self defense. I keep an extra small Moleskine Volant to write quick notes, things I have to do, grocery lists, etc. Some headphones and a couple flashdrives are also in the bag for obvious reasons. Last but not least, I've got some Post-it notes and a hairband. I haven't used either yet, but when I really do need them, they'll come in handy for sure.

This is everything I've got in my EDC camera pouch thingy. I'm still playing around with the setup of this pouch. The only items that will stay in it for sure are the Spyderco Ladybug and Victorinox Classic. Those two items get far more use than any of my other gear. The other objects are subject to change as I try out new gear or need different things. At the moment, I've got these items in the pouch as well: Olight S10R Baton II, Wenger EvoGrip 11, Gerber Shard, and Fisher Bullet Space pen. I've got some additional gear that I can rotate, so maybe I'll try to change the items up on a dailyish basis.

That's about it as far as my backpack goes. Some days I'll need extra things, but this is the base setup. I'd like to do a video of it eventually, just so you all can get a better idea of how all this fits in the bag. I'm not sure when I'll get around to that. For now, I hope you enjoyed seeing this sort of post. Thanks for looking!

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