Sunday, September 18, 2016

What I've Been Binge Watching Recently: Beginning of September

I absolutely love Netflix. When I get into new TV shows, I binge watch pretty much the entire thing in the span of a short amount of time. I didn't really start any new shows over the summer, but now that I'm here at college, I've started a few new ones. Watching stuff on Netflix is just a nice way to escape from the real world for a little bit. I'd like to do these sorts of posts to let you all know what exactly I've been watching recently. You may or may not be interested, but I think it'll be cool to talk about. Maybe you'll be able to hear about new shows or tell me ones that I should watch.

The two shows I've finished recently were season 1 of Stranger Things and seasons 1+2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I found both to be pretty entertaining to watch. I'd say Stranger Things was definitely my favorite of the two. The plot is incredibly interesting and creepy. The cast was well- rounded. It's something I recommend to everyone. I can't wait until season 2 is out.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was extremely funny at times, but very dull at others. I still enjoyed watching it. I just wished they had spiced it up a bit more. Season 1 was better than the 2nd one in my opinion. If you want to watch something funny, keep this as an option. I wouldn't say it was the best, but it was still cool.

I've got a whole lot more shows to watch, so I'd like to keep doing these sorts of posts in the future. I really like that I'm able to show all my interests on this blog. It keeps me from getting burned out on posting. I'll keep doing the knife and EDC posts of course. There's going to be a lot of cool posts in the future. Thanks for looking! If you ever have any suggestions for what I should watch, feel free to let me know.


  1. Awesome you have some solid picks.I've also been watching staranger things seems like a solid show I'm also rewatching braking bad and Rick and Morty you should check them out if you haven't.

    1. Stranger Things is so good! I finished Breaking Bad a while ago. I liked it for the most part. I'll have to check out Rick and Morty. I haven't heard of that before.
