Saturday, September 3, 2016

New Gear Purchases Part 1

Quick side note: sorry for the kind of crappy picture quality that I've had these last few posts. I'm still trying to figure out the best setup in my dorm room to get good photos. Bear with me, I promise I'll figure it out soon.

These three pieces of gear are just a few of the things I've purchased recently. I've got a few more things coming in soon, so there will be several additional parts that will be posted once those come in. The three items you see in the photo are the Olight S10R Baton II, Kershaw Shuffle, and Olight I3E. I've been looking to upgrade parts of my EDC and just try out new things in general.

The S10R is definitely the piece of gear I was most excited to get. I wanted to get one really nice flashlight, and I think the S10R is the answer to that need. There's a couple of things I'm not liking about it initially, but I think I just need to get used to it. It's a very cool light for sure. I love the form factor, and the fact that it is rechargeable.

The Kershaw Shuffle is something I wanted to try for fun. I like small knives and have heard some interesting things about it. I honestly don't think it will stay in my collection long term though. I love the color, but that's about it. One thing I've noticed is that Amazon ships out the knives with the pivots really tight. I've gotten two blades from them recently, and both have insanely tight pivots. This kind of gave me a bad first impression of this blade, because I can't even open it one-handed. Normally the tight pivot wouldn't be a huge deal to me. However, I totally forgot to bring my torx driver, so I can't loosen up the pivot. I'll either just buy one or wait to carry these blades until I get home for Thanksgiving.

I wanted to try the Olight I3E, because it was cheap, small, and purple. I want to review more gear on here soon. I thought it'd be a good idea to start getting cheaper items to review, so it's less of a hit on my pocket. This is a pretty neat light for the price. It's pretty bright, coming in at 90 lumens. I'm impressed with it so far. It's definitely a good option for a keychain or backup light.

As I get to carry this stuff some more, I'll be sure to keep you all updated on how I'm liking everything. You can definitely expect to see reviews and videos on it all in the future. Thanks for looking!

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