Monday, August 29, 2016

Updates On College Life/New Stuff Coming

I've officially survived my first week of college classes! They weren't exactly what I expected, but they shouldn't be too horrible. I'm enjoying school a lot so far. Once I join some clubs and what not, I think I'll have a ton of fun. There's been a lot of gaps where I've been extremely bored. I'm sure once my classes really get under way I'll be completely swamped and will wish I had that boredom back. I've really been missing making videos and writing these posts. Luckily, I've managed to get up a couple more blog posts recently, which I'm sure you all have already seen. I definitely will be putting up a lot more as I've found it's a nice way to escape and do something more productive than just constantly refresh the same social media apps.

In my extreme state of boredom, I've managed to spend a decent bit of money. I've been making some upgrades and purchasing some things that have been on my wishlist to try for a while now. Normally, I wouldn't want to spend a lot of money on gear I don't really need. However, it'll be nice to rotate/test some new stuff, so I can put up reviews and videos on them. While you may not see videos on all these new things immediately, you can expect to see some blog posts for sure! I've been in a phase recently where I really want to start reviewing more gear. Not only is it fun to try out new stuff, but I think it's also cool to put my opinions out there so you all can maybe have insight into stuff you're considering purchasing. I personally like to do a ton of research before I buy new gear. I hope that over my time in college this blog can develop into a resource where you can hear opinions on EDC gear. Take it all with a grain of salt of course. It's just good to hear perspectives from a number of people, so you can get a better idea of what to expect from a purchase.

Once I get back home for my first break, I'd like to try to sell or trade a lot of the gear I'm not using. It'll give me the opportunity to clear out my collection and try out new stuff at the same time. I'll talk more about what I'd like to get rid of once I get closer to being home. Other than that, I think that's about it for this post. I'm doing well and hope to remain pretty active on here. Stay tuned for some new gear and more posts! There should be some cool stuff coming in! Thanks for looking!

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