Saturday, August 27, 2016

Water Bottle Wars

I've recently discovered how important it is to always have a water bottle with you. Staying hydrated is extremely important. Having a nice, reusable bottle is even more important. Not only is it good for the environment, but it's also a lot cheaper than having to buy bottled water all the time. I never really used to drink water throughout the day. I'd drink some with my meals, but that was about it. I do a lot of walking around school in the heat, so it's convenient and necessary to have water with me everywhere I go. I never would've considered a water bottle as part of my EDC a couple months ago. Now, I can't imagine how I could go anywhere without one.

And now for the purpose of this post. I'd like to do a serious of posts about which water bottles are the best ones. I'm on the hunt for the absolute, perfect bottle. Since this is a big part of my EDC, I thought it'd be interesting to do a series of comparisons, reviews, etc. to determine what water bottles are good and which ones are bad.  Hence the name, Water Bottle Wars. I won't be able to try every single one, but I'd like to try out as many as I can. I won't talk about basic, freebie bottles. I'll mostly just stick to ones that are brand names. At the moment, I've got 4 bottles with me at school. I'll rotate through these over the next few months to see what I like and don't like. So yeah. I hope you enjoy these type of posts. EDC is so much more than just having a knife, multitool, and flashlight on you everyday. I'd like to bring more attention to other things you can carry, so I figured water bottles would be a good place to start. Thanks for looking! Stay tuned for the Water Bottle Wars!

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