Sunday, January 1, 2017

Goals For 2017

Happy New Year everybody! 2016 was a great year for me personally, so I hope that continues into 2017. I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, but I do have goals I'd like to accomplish this year. I figured I'd talk about the gear and EDC related ones.

One of my goals this year is to be more consistent in my posting of videos and blog posts. It's hard to balance with college and all that but not totally impossible. I really do enjoy talking about EDC stuff, so I'd like to work harder to get more posts up for you all. In 2017, I'd like to get up reviews of all the gear I currently have. I'd also like to get up blog posts with more variety like you've kind of been seeing me do. My other hobbies include reading, photography, hiking, longboarding, and technology to name a few. I'd like to get more posts and videos out on those topics to help diversify this site and my YouTube a bit. Expect a wider range of posts along with a greater quantity of posts/videos in 2017.

Another goal of mine is to get my EDC in near perfect order. I need to find my perfect flashlight out there. This goal could be prevented by whatever flashlights are on the market, but I'm sure there's at least one light out there that I'd consider the perfect light. I'd also like to come closer to completing my emergency bag for my car as well as a little EDC kit I just started putting together.

The last goal I'll talk about involves my knife collection. I have a ton of knives but don't use close to half of them. My goal for the year is to weed out whatever knives I don't use from my collection. This will be better for me, because I'll have extra money from selling those knives, and my collection will be smaller/consist of only knives I know I like to use and carry.

Those are all my gear related goals for 2017. I'm sure I'll think of additional ones as the year goes on, but at least this is a solid start. I hope 2017 is a good year for the YouTube channel and this blog. I really love talking about EDC, so hopefully I'll be more active this year. I hope 2017 is a great year for all of you! Thanks for looking!

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