Thursday, January 19, 2017


I think this will be the year I finally get a gun. I've been thinking a lot about guns lately, and now that I'm 18, I'm finally old enough to buy a shotgun or rifle. I'll be living in my own apartment in the fall, and I'd like to have something to defend myself. I've heard so many horror stories about what happens to college-aged girls. I know absolutely nothing about guns at the moment. I'm going to do a lot of research, but hopefully I can find a gun I like by the end of the year. I'm leaning more towards a shotgun for my first gun. When I turn 21, I'll definitely be getting a handgun and CCW permit. The focus of my channel won't change at all. You could probably expect to see at least a few videos of whatever gun I get. I don't think this will happen anytime within the next few months. Like I said, I have no knowledge about anything gun related, so I have a lot to learn before I buy one. If you all know of any good resources I should look at, feel free to let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking!

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