Friday, January 6, 2017

The Beginnings Of My EDC Kit

This year I'd like to give a dedicated EDC bag a shot. I have my school backpack, but half the time, that's filled with all my school crap. I'd like to have a separate bag that holds all my EDC goodies for those times I'm not in class/on the weekends. Plus if I really like the concept of an EDC bag now, I'd already be used to it for the summer. I haven't yet decided what I'll be keeping in this bag. I think it'll be something that I'll continually work on for a while. Bags are harder to get together than an EDC in my opinion. An EDC is pretty simple and is limited by what you can physically carry on your person. EDC bags can get a lot more complicated and generally will contain a lot more stuff. I don't want to weigh this bag down with unnecessary stuff, but I also want to be prepared for a large variety of things.

Now for the actual point of this post. I'm putting together an EDC kit to go in this EDC bag. I think this kit will probably be the core of the bag. I'd like to keep all the tools/gear in the kit, so it's all together and can easily be switched from bag to bag. I've started adding a few things to it, but it's definitely a long way from done.

The pouch I'll be using for this EDC kit is the Vanquest EDCM Huge. I wanted a big pouch that would effectively organize all the small bits and bobs for this EDC bag. I think this pouch will fit the bill quite nicely.

I've started throwing in a few pieces of gear that I had laying around my room. As you can tell, the pouch is barely full, so I have a lot of room to work with. I don't want to overstuff the pouch. Some of the things I've got in it now are a bandanna, notebook, pen, knife, flashlight, lighter, prybar, and scissors. I've also got an Altoids tin that I may put some of the smaller gear in. Again, this kit has a long way to go, but I'm hoping it will contain lots of little tools and gear that may be of use to me on an everyday basis. I've seen a lot of cool kits that people make with these pouches. Instagram has been a really good resource for me to see what other people are carrying in kits like these. As I get more stuff for this kit, I'll be posting updates for sure. I hope this kit and the EDC bag as a whole prove to be useful to have. If not, at least I'll have given them a fair shot. Thanks for looking! Stay tuned for updates on the kit and bag! 

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