Thursday, July 9, 2015

Everyday Tech: Part 1 (Main Devices)

This is part 1 of my every day tech. This post will cover the 3 main devices I use every day.

The piece of technology that most everyone owns is some kind of cell phone. Smart phones are getting better and better every year. The phone I use is the iPhone 5S. I’m not the biggest Apple fan anymore, but I am pretty invested in their ecosystem so I kinda have to stay with their products. They don’t have enough customization options like Android does. Besides that, my phone works exactly as I need it to. I use it to communicate with people, check social media, watch videos, etc. It’s my most portable piece of tech, so it’s usually the first thing I reach for if I need to get something done quickly. If I need a little more power or size, I go onto my next electronic.

Most people also have tablets. They’re a very useful device, because they are a blown up version of your phone yet are somewhat similar to a laptop. They lack a lot of the features of a laptop, but they are very portable and are better than your phone for some tasks. My tablet of choice is an iPad Mini. It’s still extremely portable and the extra screen size helps out when you’re watching videos and movies. I mostly use it for school and entertainment. The screen is the perfect size for watching movies on Netflix and surfing the web. I do miss having a real physical keyboard, but that’s what my computer is for.

One of my newest purchases was a new laptop. I needed something portable for school that was relatively inexpensive. I didn’t want to buy another cheap $300 laptop, because I’m currently using one of those and it really sucks after 4 years of use. I found out about Chromebooks and decided that would suit my needs perfectly. A Chromebook isn’t like your typical laptop. It relies on Google Chrome and needs internet access to do everything.  I got the Toshiba Chromebook 2 and have absolutely loved it. It’s super lightweight and very fast for what I need to do. I use Google Drive for writing papers for school. I use it similarly to how I use my tablet, but sometimes I prefer to use the Chromebook because of the keyboard. I’m very impressed with it so far, so we’ll see how it performs over the next few months.

Those are the three major devices that I use every day. They’re all pretty essential for my day to day life. Stay tuned for part 2 which will cover my cameras!

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