Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My Flashlight Preferences

I don’t carry a flashlight that often, because I have yet to find the perfect one for me. These are some of my preferences to make the ideal flashlight for me.
  • AAA battery. Keeps the flashlight small and they’re available in most stores
  • Clicky button.  They are easier to use than twisty lights in my opinion.
  • Purple. Obviously I’d want a light in my favorite color.
  • At or less than 3” long
  • Flood beam in a white or neutral tint. No yellow or purple tint.
  • Some sort of metal build, either aluminum or titanium. 
That’s all that I can think of right now. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a single light on the market with all these points. If there was, that’d definitely be my perfect light. Thanks for looking!

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