Sunday, July 19, 2015

Knife Talk: Steels

I must admit, I don’t know a whole lot about knife steels. I know of the higher end steels and the lower end ones, but I don’t have a clue about what sets them apart. I don’t know anything about steel composition, hardness, etc. I guess I just never really needed to know anything about them. I know that they can cut stuff/get pretty sharp, and that’s what matters the most to me. For me, I don’t need a whole bunch of gimmicks. I just need a blade that works and cuts what I need it to cut. There are so many steels out there, and more and more are being introduced every week. I personally don’t have the time or any desire to learn all the knowledge behind what makes a steel good or bad. I probably should learn that type of stuff, but for the everyday user, it’s not that necessary to know. Those are all my thoughts on blade steels. I will say I like steels like VG-10 or AUS-8A, because I've found they are easy to sharpen and get very sharp while retaining their edges decently well. I would never pay more just to get a higher end steel like S30V or ZDP-189. Thanks for looking!

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