Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Knife Talk: Handle Materials

I’d like to make this knife talk post to talk about my favorite and least favorite handle materials.

My absolute favorite material is FRN. That comes as a big surprise to me, because I used to really hate FRN. It has grown on me quite a bit, mostly because I love my Ladybug so much. I think Spyderco does the best FRN. I like FRN, because it can come in tons of different colors, it’s grippy, lightweight, and holds up pretty well to everyday use. FRN or anything similar is done poorly by some companies though, which is why I always try to stick to Spyderco's FRN.

G10 is my second favorite material. Most of the time, companies will only make knives with black G10 which really sucks. G10 does come in different colors and is pretty grippy too. Sometimes I almost think it’s too tactical looking and a little boring. It does exactly what it should, and you always know what you’re getting with it for the most part.

Those are really the only materials that I can actually tolerate. I hate any kind of metal handles whether it’s stainless steel or titanium. Seriously, I don’t get the whole titanium craze but whatever. These metal handles have bad hotspots, are very slick, can get cold, are heavy, and look pretty boring in my opinion. I’m also not a fan of any kind of wood or carbon fiber. Sometimes they look cool, but other times I just think they look awful. Anyways, that pretty much wraps it up. What are your favorite handle materials? Thanks for looking!

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