Sunday, July 12, 2015

Perspective of my Reviews

This post will explain a little more about my perspective of knives and what I look for in a blade. Hopefully this will give you all a better understanding of my point of view when I give my thoughts on blades. My thinking can also be applied to things like flashlights or multi tools, but I'll mostly talk about knives in this post. 

I'm a teenager which means I don't have a lot of money. With that being said, I am primarily into budget gear (less than $60). That also means I don't buy knives to collect or buy ones that solely look pretty. I buy knives to use in my everyday life. When I buy a knife, it needs to be great quality and work well in my EDC. My EDC tasks consist of things like opening packages/letters, trimming stray strings off clothes, breaking down cardboard boxes, etc. None of those tasks are particularly hard use or extreme, therefore I don't need huge, overbuilt folders. I also don't need any sort of tactical blade, because I've found that they don't work well for me. I like simple designs, not anything overly flashy or fancy. Girl pockets suck, so I can't really carry anything that big. That has led me to smaller gear. The smaller gear (at or less than 3" closed) is my absolute favorite stuff to carry, because I can carry it easily, it's mostly inexpensive, and just looks cute. I also prefer to have colorful gear, because it's less threatening and looks cooler than black in my opinion. 

On this blog, I'd like to mostly write reviews on smaller gear since that's my biggest interest. I will cover other mid to large sized stuff, but I'm probably not the best person to talk about those since I wouldn't really carry them every day. All my review posts or videos will be my thoughts, so take them as you will. I always give my honest, straight forward opinions no matter what. I don't know everything about knives or other EDC gear, but I will be sharing my perspective from the everyday user who just needs gear that works. 

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