Friday, June 24, 2016

How I Feel About Prepping

A lot of people in the EDC community are into prepping. I'm no doomsday prepper, but I do think I'll begin to prep more in the future. If some sort of disaster were to hit, I'd like to at least have extra food and supplies. I'd also like to have some sort of emergency bag that I could take if I were forced to leave my house. That's probably as far as I'd take my prepping though. Some people take prepping way too far in my opinion. They have fallout shelters prepared and everything, which I find completely ridiculous. Sure there's a possibility they could need it, but the chances are very slim to none.

The only situations I would prep for include a natural disaster, a fire in my home, and some sort of terror attack. I live close to Washington D.C., so if some sort of attack happened there, it could reach my area. That's definitely the most extreme situation I'd prep for. Natural disasters or a fire could easily happen at least once in anyone's lifetime.

Like I mentioned earlier, the only prepping I'd do is to have extra food, water, supplies, and an emergency bag. I wouldn't want to hoard tons and tons of food. I'd probably just purchase an extra can of soup or something every time I'd go to the grocery store. I don't know what supplies would be insanely useful in an emergency situation. I think stocking up on first aid supplies, batteries, and tools would be pretty smart. I do have some plans for an emergency bag, but I'd like to save that for another post. I'm going to reuse my backpack I used in high school and start putting this emergency bag together before I leave for school. I'd most likely leave it in my car, so I could have the gear with me whenever I'm out.

Being prepared for any situation is a big part of the EDC community. When most people think about EDC, they only think of a knife, mulitiool, flashlight, pen, etc. They'll build a rotation of very similar gear and call it a day. I think people need to start thinking on a broader level. Prepping can be extremely beneficial. It really shouldn't cost that much if you space out what you want to prep over time. Instead of dropping $200 on yet another knife, maybe buying things to prepare your home would be a better idea. As I begin to get closer and closer to adulthood, these are the things I'll have to start thinking about. I hope you found this somewhat entertaining. I'm no expert on prepping, but I just wanted to bring some more attention to it. I might potentially do more posts of this nature in the future. Stay tuned! Thanks for looking!

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